So I mean, I like all this drone stuff. It’s excellent. But it lies at a nexus of multiple pursuits, ranging from RC to ham radio to electrical engineering. Each of these could exist on its own and the Venn diagram of my life would flop over several aspects already. In hindsight, nabbing some electric RC trucks was inevitable, almost as inevitable as cramming an FPV camera in there. I’ve done that in the past, that’s easy. What bugged me was the inability to turn my head left and right.
So I set out to control a small servo with a dial. Easily done, just toss it onto an aux channel and we’re on our way. But that isn’t natural feeling, and can lend a weird sense of disconnected, unnatural movement to any footage recorded. So what did I do? I mean, after I carved out the dash and mounted a voltage meter behind it?
The natural thing of course! I installed a headtracking module in my FatSharks and set it to control the servo. Works great. Footage inbound, likely would make a good episode.
Things to do still:
- Swap 90 degree servo out for 180 degree
- Remove more of seat so camera sits further back
- Clean up wiring
- More metal upgrades to chassis/drivetrain